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Oreo omelette? Street vendor's bizarre creation sparks fury on social media | VIDEO

In Kolkata, a street vendor has created an omelette using Oreo biscuits, a move that has left many stunned. A food blogger shared a video of this unusual dish on Instagram, which quickly went viral.

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Oreo omelette (Instagram/@chaska_food_ka)

Over the past few years, social media has been filled to the brim with videos of strange street food combinations that are bound to shock and amuse. From Fanta noodles to Gulab Jamun pakodas, these inventions have generated widespread reactions on the internet. The newest addition to this list is an Oreo omelette, and it has left people questioning what culinary experimentation can do.

The Oreo omelette sensation

A video posted by food blogger Shivam Sharma on Instagram has turned viral, and it features a street vendor in Kolkata making an Oreo omelette. The video starts like any street food video, with the vendor cracking eggs in a bowl and beating them into a batter. But things get interesting when he opens a pack of Oreo biscuits and adds them to the omelette batter. Without hesitation, he gently presses the biscuits into the batter and bakes the omelette to a golden brown.

Public reaction: Shock and amusement

The clip has prompted an outburst of comments on social media, with most users being in disbelief and shock. Others have sarcastically demanded that the seller be put behind bars for this food offence, while some have joked about the day when someone would prepare Maggi using toothpaste. One user jokingly said, "This isn't fast food; it's last food." Another called for justice for Oreo, claiming that the brand's reputation has been tarnished. In the midst of the mayhem, some viewers just couldn't believe their eyes, with one user saying, "I refuse to believe this is possible."
